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Oferty niemieckich uczelni

Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!


International and English-taught master programs at Germany’s most bea...

Launch your career with a state-of the-art master’s degree from one of the world’s best young universities.


Truly international – Study at ESB Business School!

Do you want to study in the heart of Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy? Come to ESB Business School at Reutlingen University!


Boost your career skills with online courses from Freie Universität Be...

Enhance key competencies in communication, leadership, diversity, and sustainability. Gain practical knowledge for your (future) job and a certificate from Freie Universität Berlin.


RheinMain University of Applied Sciences-From Here to Career

Explore practice-oriented programs at Hochschule RheinMain. Shape your future and launch your career in Germany’s economic hub.



Zrzut ekranu mapy z zaznaczoną lokalizacją DAAD