
11. Interdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Biotechnologiczne "Symbioza"

© Symbioza

Zachęcamy do udziału w 11. Interdyscyplinarnym Sympozjum Biotechnologicznym “Symbioza”, które odbędzie się od 10 do 12 maja 2024 roku na Wydziale Biologii i Biotechnologii  Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Organizatorem wydarzenia jest Warszawskie Stowarzyszenie Biotechnologiczne “Symbioza”.

Start Your Journey at the 11th Symbioza Biotechnology Symposium!

Excited about Biotechnology? Join  the 11th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza,” taking place from May 10th–12th, 2024, at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Whether you prefer to attend in person or tune in through the live stream, don’t miss this chance to explore the latest in Cancer Research, Bioinformatics, Genetics, and more.

What’s in store?

  • Engaging plenary lectures from 6 keynote speakers.
  • Insightful industry lectures by our sponsors and partners.
  • Over 30 sessions for students and PhD candidates to present their research.
  • Hands-on practical workshops in biotechnology-related skills.
  • Two poster presentation sessions showcasing cutting-edge research.

This is more than a conference; it’s your gateway to the scientific community. Whether you’re presenting for the first time or looking to deepen your knowledge, Symbioza is the perfect platform.

Register now and mark your calendar for an unforgettable journey through the wonders of biotechnology. Let’s celebrate science together!

Register Here

For more information, visit the Symposium’s website and the website of the Warsaw Society of Biotechnology “Symbioza”.


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