The DAAD Warsaw Team

Before taking up his post in Warsaw, Dr. Martin Krispin spent three years in charge of the ‘Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southern Caucasus’ scholarship department at the DAAD headquarters in Bonn, where he was responsible for cooperation with Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. From 2012 to 2017, he coordinated the activities of the German Science and Innovation Centre (DWIH) and was the deputy director of the DAAD office in Moscow. Dr. Krispin studied Eastern European history, political science and economics at the universities of Marburg, Moscow and Heidelberg. Prior to joining the DAAD headquarters in Bonn in 2009, he worked for several years in Warsaw in the area of German-Polish economic cooperation.

Finances, Contact to Polish universities and organisations, University and research marketing

Maria Szrajber-Czerwińska
Representative for communication and marketing
Telephone: +48 22 / 395 54 04E-mail:
External and internal communication, Website und social media (Facebook, Instagram), University and research marketing, Support of German DAAD scholarship holders in Poland

Karolina Kaczmarczyk-Orzołek
Representative for German language and regional cooperation
Telephone: +48 22 / 395 54 06E-mail:
German studies and German language in Poland, the DAAD Lektor programme, Lecture series „German-Polish Scientific Encounters“, Coordination of the DAAD Office Warsaw regional cooperation (Czechia)

Maria Kocyła
Representative for scholarship programmes and alumni relations
Telephone: +48 22 / 395 54 03E-mail:
Scholarships for candidates from Poland: University Summer Courses in Germany, Scholarships for Academics and Senior Researchers, Scholarships for DAAD Alumni, Group trips for Polish student groups to Germany, German university lecturers at Polish universities, DAAD Alumni in Poland

Representative for scholarships and marketing
Telephone: +48 22 / 395 54 05E-mail:
Łukasz Wołosz is temporarily absent – for scholarship inquiries, please contact Maria Kocyla:, t: +48 22 / 395 54 03.
Scholarships for candidates from Poland and marketing for scholarship programmes: Study Scholarships, Master Studies, Scholarships for PhD students and postdocs, Scholarships for study and research stays: language, history and culture of the German minority, Marketing on Demand
All staff give advice on studying and doing research in Germany and on scholarship opportunities for interested applicants from Poland.