
DAAD Regional Office Warsaw

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The DAAD has been intensively committed to German-Polish academic relations since 1958 – there has been a DAAD Regional Office in Warsaw since 1997. It is located in the centre of the Polish capital and is housed in the same building as the Foundation for German-Polish Collaboration (SdpZ).

The office is the point of contact for Germans who are interested in studying at a Polish university or intend to do so. It also offers guidance to Polish students and academics who plan to stay in Germany for study or research purposes.

The team at the Regional Office offers individual guidance when it comes to selecting a suitable university or research facility in Germany and offers support to scholarship applicants. The tasks of the Regional Office include providing support to German scholarship holders in Poland, support for bilateral university partnerships and maintaining contact with DAAD alumni in Poland.

Furthermore, the Regional Office promotes German language and literature through a network of young native-speaker university teachers – Lektors and language assistants.

The DAAD Warsaw Team

Whether you are interested in studying or doing research in Germany or would like to apply for a DAAD scholarship, our team is always happy to support you in what you plan to do.


Internship in the DAAD Warsaw Office

DAAD Warsaw offers interested students from Germany the chance to do a work placement at the Regional Office. Preferably, this work placement should be supported by an appropriate scholarship.


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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked